Sunset Storm
Combine ingredients in cocktail tin, add ice, shake, strain into collins glass with fresh ice, top with Halyards Volcano Juice, and float Angostura on top. Garnish with 3 thin orange wheels in glass. One poking up out of the top like
a sun

Sam Nelis c. 2018 for Halyard
0.75 oz Aperol
1 oz Mount Gay Black Barrel
4 oz Halyards Volcano Juice
0.5 oz Lemon
1 oz Orange
5-6 dashes Angostura Bitters Float.
Combine ingredients in cocktail tin, add ice, shake, strain into collins glass
with fresh ice, top with Halyards Volcano Juice, and float Angostura on top.
Garnish with 3 thin orange wheels in glass. One poking up out of the top like
a sun.
Great Day-time Cocktail
Aperol is in a subcategory of Amari called a ‘bitter’ the main difference is
that a ‘bitter’ is usually red in color, like Campari. Aperol is sometimes best
described as Campari’s younger sibling. Not as bitter as campari and less
abv. It's made with orange and rhubarb.
Angostura Bitters – created in Angostura Venezuela, now made in Trinidad,
tastes more like earthy spices then actually bitter.. Made with, bark, roots,
gentian, cinnamon, clove.

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